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Diato : a diatonic accordion



diatoHere is a sound bank of a small diatonic accordion, with 21 keys on two rows at the right hand, and 8 basses at the left, and a second stop that sounds lower. A diatonic accordion does not produce the same notes when you push or pull the bellows, and this makes this instrument not so easy to play... More, it has not all the semi-tones of its 3 octaves (from D2 to E5). With this sound bank, you can forget those drawbacks, because we have "interpolated" the missing notes, and all the notes are played in a same manner on a keyboard...
This sound bank is available here in soundfont and kontakt2 formats.
In order to use a sound bank of a diatonic accordion correctly, you must know that the left keys are used to play accompaniment, and allow to alternate basses and chords, as you can hear it in a waltz. This instrument has 6 basses (C, D, E, F, G, A) and 6 chords (C major, D major, E major, F major, G major and A minor). In order to play them easily at the same time than the melody, we put them on the two first octaves of a piano, C-A0 for basses, and C-A1 for chords. So you can alternate basses and chords balancing fingers from an octave to the other. It requires a big keyboard with 88 keys, like a piano, or two smaller keyboards with at least 55 keys... To make it easier to use, left keys and right keys of this accordion are separate in different presets.

You must also know that, on the real instrument, the left keys can be played with the first or the second stop simultaneaously, but it is impossible to play the two stops together. It would be useless, anyway, because the reeds used by the second stop are the same as the ones used by the first. The second stop adds a lower sounding reed to the first stop. Please consider this if you want to use this sound bank in a realistic way.


This sound bank has been created according to the following aims : we tried to produce the best sound bank possible, without considering the final weight of it.

According to this, there is one sample for each note. Each sample has been looped carefully to make this sound bank easier to use. The final product weighs 135 Mb, and the sf2 and K2 versions are quite the same...

You may find this recording too dry, not reverberated enough. It is a deliberate choice, because we want this sound bank to be used in many contexts, mainly in a sequencer. So, it is possible to modify its sound, and add some reverberation or other effects, exactly as the user likes, what would have been impossible with a less neutral sound (for ex : church).

Before you download the soundbank, please read the licence and conditions of use.

If you want to hear this sound bank before downloading it, listen these two little demos made with a midi file on an original tune of my own : the first plays the first stop, and the second the second stop. In both cases, the left keys are not used, and it is impossible, with only one real instrument, to play the accompaniment made here with the right keys and the melody at the same time...
Démo 1
Démo 2

Please do not give direct link for download on forum or web sites !

Download the sound bank "Diato"
sf2 (81 Mb)
Kontakt 2 (127 Mb)
The sf2 version is compressed with sfark. To decompress it, you must use this software which exists for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux, downloadable there :

This soundbank is free and will ever be, for you, but not for us. So, if you like it and want to help us to develop other soundbanks, or support our work, which takes many time and money, you can make a donation. If so, send me an e-mail.

If you want to give us some feedback or any remarks about this soundbank or anything else, you can do it HERE

